About this page
In the late 1990s, a US American Morgenthaler wanted to ensure a reliable e-mail address for his business. That's how www.morgenthaler.net was first registered.
Later, the page was extended to the still existing St.Louis / Missouri Morgenthaler family page. In addition, every interested Morgenthaler could get a unique mail address @morgenthaler.net.
In 2002, the page was transformed into an international name portal. Its goal is to collect Morgenthaler web presence and family information around the globe. In 2017 the name portal was renewed and made multilingual.
Data privacy
The operators of this site have no interest in data collection from visitors and make no such. Data collection is done automatically by our used website system WordPress. These are mainly technical data (for example Internet browser, operating system or time of the page request). Such data collection starts as soon as you visit our website. Your surfing behavior will be analysed statistically. This happens especially with cookies, small text files that are automatically stored on your computer system. The analysis of your surfing behavior is anonymous; the surfing behavior cannot be traced back to you. You can deactivate the storage of such cookies in your internet browser.
The Hyperlinks on this site are a colleciton of Morgenthaler name relevant ressoucres. The operators of this site are not responsible for their content and their correctness.
Contact person for this Morgenthaler name portal:
Reto Morgenthaler
Gerberweg 9
2560 Nidau
+41 32 322 25 25
Suggestions and feedback are welcome!
The website's photographs show the region "Emmental" in Switzerland, one possible origin place of the name Morgenthaler. The creators of the images were asked for permission to use them on this page, provided they could be contacted.